Instructional Coaches
Instructional coaches assist K-8 teachers by providing professional development in the areas of reading, math, and science through one-on-one sessions or in small or large group sessions. They serve as resource specialists in helping teachers provide exemplary instruction to all students. Instructional coaches serve the Aikin. Justiss, Crockett, and Paris Jr. High campuses.
Literacy Instruction
Literacy is an early intervention program for students experiencing reading difficulties. Specially trained Reading Recovery teachers work with small groups of students after all Reading Recovery students have been served. For the literacy classes, students are served in their homeroom class setting.
Guided Reading
Guided reading has been implemented in grades K-4 for all students on the Aikin and Justiss elementary campuses. The teacher provides support for small groups of readers as they learn to use various reading strategies while reading books at each student’s proper reading level improving comprehension and enjoyment. State and federal program grants have provided supplemental guided reading books, materials, and supplies along with ongoing professional development for teachers in order to fully implement guided reading.
Dyslexia Program
The Take Flight Program is provided to identified dyslexia students at Aikin, Justiss, Crockett, and Paris Jr. High by teachers trained in the Take Flight Program. A Dyselxia Therapist monitors dyslexic students at Paris High School. Paris ISD also uses the Reading By Design Program at Aikin and Justiss.
Supplemental Reading/Literacy Instruction
Supplemental reading teachers and trained paraprofessionals offer assistance to students identified as having reading difficulties. The instruction is conducted in small-group settings and is offered on all campuses. Additionally, computer-assisted instruction is available to students who have failed to pass reading STAAR or who are in danger of not passing reading STAAR.
Renaissance Learning – Reading
Reading Renaissance is a program designed to help students reach their full potential as readers. The four main components are reading practice; Accelerated Reader (electronic quizzes), a motivational system with rewards; and motivation, instruction, monitoring, and intervention by the teacher. Aikin, Justiss, Crockett, and PJH campuses implement the Renaissance Learning reading programs. Additionally, Aikin, Justiss, Crockett, PJH, and Paris High School utilize STAR Reading assessments for expanded skills-based testing and reporting that provide data for screening, instructional planning based on skills mastery, progress monitoring, and standards benchmarking. Aikin and Justiss campuses also use STAR Early Literacy to determining early literacy progress for K–2 emerging readers.
Renaissance Learning – Math
STAR Math Enterprise assessments, utilized at Aikin, Justiss, and Crockett, generate information through expanded skills-based testing and new reports that provide data for screening, instructional planning based on skills mastery, progress monitoring, and standards benchmarking. MathFacts in a Flash combines practice, intervention, and progress monitoring of fundamental math skills into a variety of easy-to-use tools, helping you make sure your students have committed their math facts to memory. Students at Justiss participate in Math Facts in a Flash.
Supplemental Math Instruction
Supplemental math teachers and trained paraprofessionals offer assistance to students identified as having difficulties with math concepts on all campuses. The instruction is conducted in small-group settings on all campuses. Additionally, computer-assisted instruction is available to students who have failed to pass math STAAR or who are in danger of not passing math STAAR.
Grand Central Station (GCS)
GCS offers a continuum of service options utilizing a research-based model for at-risk learners yielding a school wide response-to-intervention approach. Research-based learning tools and strategies support students’ unique needs. Detailed tracking mechanisms are utilized to form an intensive case-management system. GCS is offered on the Crockett and PJH campuses.
Structure of the Intellect (SOI)
The SOI program focuses on how students think and learn. Students develop a number of critical thinking abilities such as attention, rule-following, memory, context, comprehension, creativity, evaluation, algorithmic logic, and cause and effect reasoning. Justiss offers the SOI program to identified students.
Tutorials are provided after school and during school hours for identified students who need assistance in order to master specific skills and are offered at the Aikin, Justiss, Crockett, and PJH campuses.
Extended Day Program
Additional instruction in core academic subjects is offered to identified students after the school day ends. Small group and one-on-one instruction is provided at the Aikin, Justiss, Crockett, and PJH campuses.
Summer School
Summer school is offered to identified students in grades K -12 to:
Summer school locations are held at Aikin OR Justiss for grades K-4 and PK-K bilingual students. Crockett serves students in grades 5-6 and PJH teaches students grades 7-8. Grades 9-12 summer school is held at PHS for both credit recovery and EOC Prep.
Supplemental Counseling Services
Federal and state funds provide supplemental counseling services for grades K-8 to allow individuals or small groups of students more time with a counselor.
Supplemental Library Services
Aikin and Justiss campuses provide extended library hours during the summer in order to encourage summer reading. Justiss also conducts a Family Reading Night once a week during the regular school term.
Instructional Paraprofessionals
Instructional paraprofessionals assist classroom and special programs teachers in providing individualized instruction to students. Paraprofessionals also serve as computer lab assistants. Paraprofessionals on Title I, Part A school wide campuses must meet qualifications for Highly Qualified paraprofessionals: have completed 48 college hours; have an associate’s degree or higher; or have completed a certified course in reading, math, and writing designed for paraprofessionals.
DMAC Solutions
DMAC (Data Management for Assessment and Curriculum) is a web-based software suite designed to assist educators in the development and management of curriculum and assessment data for Texas schools. Teachers have the ability to access STAAR data and benchmark data to instantly determine which students or groups of students need additional instruction on specific objectives. DMAC is available for all campuses.
Parent Involvement
Title I, Part A has a strong parental involvement requirement. Parent involvement activities include parent workshops, Make It/Take It workshops, newsletters, home visits, parent conferences, Spanish translations of school-home communications. Coordination of funds allows all campuses to be served.
Program Support
Support for program implementation is provided through personnel, instructional materials, supplies, ongoing professional development, and the furniture, technology hardware, and software necessary for program operation.
Professional Development
High quality, ongoing professional development is provided to teachers, counselors, assistant principals, principals, directors, and other educational support personnel in multiple areas. Core academic content area professional development is a high priority and many opportunities are provided. Professional development is provided through workshops, conferences, campus and district sessions, book studies, and distance learning in areas identified by campus comprehensive needs assessments.