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Lamar County Head Start Staff Save Choking Student

Posted Date: 12/19/2024

Lamar County Head Start Staff Save Choking Student

It was an ordinary day in the classroom of Mrs. Schultz at Lamar County Head Start when suddenly, the calm was disrupted by a frightening incident. Jaxson, a student known for his lively spirit, was enjoying his lunch when he began to cough. Initially, it seemed like a minor issue, but soon it escalated into a serious situation.

“I was stationed near my desk while Mrs. Hamilton was closer to Jaxson's table,” stated Jaxson’s teacher, Christine Schultz. “As Jaxson stood up, leaned over, and made alarming gurgling sounds, I realized he was choking. I urgently called out, "Jaxson is choking!" This prompted Mrs. Hamilton to swiftly take action.”

Mrs. Hamilton rushed to Jaxson's aid. Observing his bulging eyes and changing skin tone, she knew immediate intervention was necessary. She began the Heimlich maneuver, a life-saving technique designed to dislodge obstructions from the airway. With precise movements, Mrs. Hamilton thrusted her arms into Jaxson's abdomen three times. Pausing to check if the blockage had cleared, she noticed no change. Determined, she administered one more forceful thrust. This time, a small piece of chicken was expelled from Jaxson's throat.

This incident was a stark reminder of the importance of being prepared for emergencies. Mrs. Hamilton's quick thinking and knowledge of the Heimlich maneuver undoubtedly prevented a potential tragedy. It highlighted the significance of having trained individuals in any environment, ready to act when the unexpected occurs.

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